This complete set of all 75 cognitive verb posters has been modified from the QCAA's cognitive verb glossary. In the new QCE system, cognitive verbs have replaced the Common Curriculum Elements.
Cognitive verbs can be identified across each of the three dimensions of the Australian Curriculum, and provide a direct link to the Australian Curriculum learning areas, subjects, and year levels.
These verbs not only help signal to students the kind of mental operations they are to use when demonstrating what they know, understand and can do, but these are terms that they must be familiar with as they are embedded within all assessment items in the new system.
These cognitive verb posters can be used in the following ways:
Printed and laminated to be used as a poster in your classroom
Distributed as a digital resource to your students.
Used as a teacher resource for teachers and school leaders to help support them in the explicit teaching of thinking.